Thursday, June 16, 2016

Health effects & Allergens from indoor air pollutants

Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the quality of air that is within and around homes and buildings. Understanding the causes of indoor air pollutants can greatly help to reduce associated health risks.

According to World Health Organization, 4.3 million people die each year from exposure to bad indoor air.

Potential Indoor air pollutants and their health effects:

1.      Asbestos: Excessive inhaling of this pollutant can cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, asbestosis, and other cancers.

2.      House dusts, Mold, Bacteria and Animal dander: These biological agents can cause asthmas symptoms, allergic reactions, nose and throat irritation, fever, humidifier, influenza, and many such other diseases.

3.      Carbon Monoxide: This usually spring out of the gas stoves, tobacco smoke or car gas. It can cause inhalers frequent headaches, nausea, and sometimes death at high concentrations.

4.      Lead: It spreads in indoor airs due to house dusts and paints. The damage caused by lead can be deathly such as brain, nerve and kidney damage, anemia and cardiovascular effects to name a few.

5.      Organic chemicals: These are mainly found in dry-cleaned clothes, glues, and welding. It can cause infection in the eye, nose, and throat of the inhaler, leading to serious breathing issues and permanent damage of the lungs.

6.      Formaldehyde: It is one of the most common forms of bad indoor air. This leads to irritation of throats, nose, as well as allergic issues. In some cases, formaldehyde has been linked to cancer.

7.      Phthalates: Found in children toys, used to soften plastic, in air filters and battery covers. It leads to asthmas, allergies, rhinitis, and is also found to be the source of problem in reproduction organs. 

8.      Radon: Mainly found in soil under buildings, in ground waters and construction material/areas. It leads to one deadly health issue of, Cancer.

Depending on the amount of bad indoor air one is exposed to, the severity of the effects would vary.

Some health effects may show up instantly, while other can act like the slow, silent killers. Immediate effects are short term and easy to treat while others can cost endless visits to the doctor. Long term effects can show up after weeks, months or years. The long term effects include respiratory disease, heart diseases, cancer and other such health issues that can be deadly. It is imperative you improve the indoor quality of your homes even when symptoms are not easily visible. 

Understanding the causes and effects mentioned in the article of indoor air pollutants can help you to understand the importance of preventing yourself and your loved ones. Making small changes within your homes, such as getting it inspected, using methods to kill indoor air pollutants, installing adequate ventilating systems, etc. all can make a big difference.


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