Thursday, June 16, 2016

Prevention: How Do You Control Mold?

Mold is part of the nature and plays an important role in decomposition of matter. This can be found both indoors and outdoors, but if it grows inside your house, it begins to cause health problems that often go undetected. Furthermore, people with allergies and asthma are more likely to fall sick due to indoor mold.

Mold occurs due to moisture and in order to control mold, one must control moisture within their homes. So, here’s a few prevention tips that will help you control mold inside your home and live in a healthy environment.

Conduct Home Inspection

The first thing you need to do is to inspect your home to find problem areas. You need to look into areas that gather moisture like basement, water stain on the ceiling, walls, gutters, etc. Mold mostly develops in areas that are not in your sight, which is why you need to check hidden areas like ceilings, small spaces, attics, and behind the walls.

If you detect any wet area, that’s where the mold must be. However, it is best to interrupt the mold growth and keep it from spreading. If there is damp carpet in the basement, you can get rid of the mold by ripping up the carpet. If you find a leaky gutter, it is best to get it repaired before it continues to offer breeding ground for mold.

Repair Problem Areas

The best thing to do is get the problem fixed before the mold grows any further. There are certain areas of homes that are prone to developing mold including HVAC systems, furnace humidifiers, and bathrooms.
Get your HVAC systems checked before mold from the ventilation systems spread to the entire building. If there is a leakage in the toilet, then get it fixed as soon as possible so that moisture doesn’t build-up on walls. If you notice signs of water damage in your toilets and bathroom, call a professional plumber immediately to get the problem fixed.

Consider Proper Ventilation

Sometimes your routine activities like taking a bath or cooking can cause mold to develop. This happens due to poor ventilation, which results in the build-up of moisture that attracts mold. In order to avoid chances of mold build-up, it is better to take preventative measures like keeping the air flowing in while you cook, shower, or wash the dishes. An exhaust fan also works well for getting rid of trapped moisture. Installing ACs and humidifiers is another way to keep moisture from developing in the indoors. However, you will need to check on these systems to ensure that they are not producing moisture by conducting regular maintenance and cleaning.

Invest in Mold-Resistant Products

A great way to ensure that your home is safe from mold is to invest in mold-resistant products. Make use of drywall which is coated with fiberglass, keeping the wall surface dry and safe from moisture. These walls are perfect in areas like the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry.

By following the prevention tips given above, you can reduce the chances of mold build-up inside your home, which will keep you feeling fresh and healthy.


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