Thursday, June 16, 2016

Top 10 Solutions to Clean Indoor Air

Do you know that pet dander is now called a community allergen? It is because you may have pet dander in your home even if you don’t have any pets. This is one of the many ways how outdoor air enters your indoor air and contaminates it. While the outdoor contaminants pollute your indoor air, pollutants from inside your home can wreak havoc on the health of your family. Here are top 10 solutions to filter indoor air.

1.    Plants

Air fresheners contain phthalates, which contaminate the air. However, you may put NASA approved ait filtering plants to filter your indoor air. Following are the NASA approved plants. 
·        Aloe Vera
·        Spider Plant
·        Peace Lily
·        Boston Fern
·        English Ivy
·        Heart Leaf Philodendron
·        Eucalyptus
·        Chinese Evergreen
·        African Violets
·        Chrysanthemum

2.    Increase Ventilation in Your Home

Most of the outdoor pollutants enter your home through doors and windows. This is one of the few reasons for insulating the windows and doors. Then how will you ventilate the house, you ask? You can increase ventilation by installing trickle vents in ceilings and near basement. 

3.    Eliminate the Pollutant Sources

Eliminate all sources of pollutants including air fresheners, detergents, nonstick utensils, carpets, and such from the house. Use natural and healthier alternatives. For example, put one teaspoon juice and a few lemon slices in the water before soaking white shirt in it. Lemon will work as a bleach without causing any harm to your health. 

4.    Keep Your Floors Clean

Floors are the first to capture free radicals and toxins. Make sure to keep your floors clean with natural ingredients. 

5.    Avoid Biomass Fuels and Manufacturing Materials

Upholstery furniture, press wood furniture, wood fireplace, and synthetic woolen carpets are some examples of biomass fuel and manufacturing materials. For healthier living, eliminate all these items from our house. 

6.    Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan salt is 200-million years old salt. The bulbs installed inside these lamps heat up the temperature of salt, which releases negative ions in the air. These ions neutralize the free radicals and contaminants. Himalayan salt lamps are known for not only purifying the air but also treating respiratory problems triggered by poor air quality, like sinus. 

7.    Beeswax Candles

Other types of candles release smoke and scent as they are produced from petroleum extract. Beeswax do not release any smoke or scent. The only thing the candles release are negative ions that work like ions from Himalayan salt to neutralize the free radicals and harmful gaseous molecules in the air. 

8.  Mold Removal

The effect of molds on respiratory system has been scientifically proven. Along with professional mold removal, make sure to install dehumidifier to prevent mold growth.

9.  Regular Maintenance of HVAC

Pollutants, pollens, contaminants, allergens, and other such molecules trap in the pipes of HVAC. These pollutants enter your house through the vents. Therefore, make sure to clean and maintain HVAC pipes and vents on regular basis. 

10.  Create a No Smoking Zone

Make your home a no smoking zone for everyone including guests. Avoid fireplaces lit with wood. Avoid gas heaters and barbecue stands in the house.

With few simple and precautionary steps, you can greatly improve the indoor air quality of your home. 



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